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Elements of Crimes and Rules of Procedure and Evidence

Roy S. Lee

This volume consists of 28 authors' collective account of the legislative history of the Elements of Crimes and the Rules of Procedure and Evidence—two important instruments governing the functioning and operation of the International Criminal Court. This book is a continuation of the companion volume: The International Criminal Court, the Making of the Rome Statute:  Issues, Negotiations, Results.

Through the eyes of those who actually conducted the negotiations, each chapter focuses on how the Elements and Rules were negotiated, what the main issues were, why certain provisions were included, and why certain proposals were deliberately left out. In the absence of any official travaux préparatoires, this collective work aims at facilitating a better understanding of the legislative intent and to serve as a guide to future application of the Statute by the Court.
I congratulate the Preparatory Commission for its success in completing their difficult task and express my deep appreciation to this distinguished group of authors for their painstaking efforts in preparing this useful reference work. It is not an easy task to muster 28 authors from all regions of the world to produce a  collective work about complex negotiations on technical issues.  Yet, the product is a coherent and integrated whole. The usefulness of this book to practitioners and national legislatures is self evident. It will be of great value in the work of the Court in the years to come.

Kofi Annan,
Secretary-General of the United Nations

Roy S. Lee is Former Executive Secretary for the United Nations
Diplomatic Conference of Plenipotentiaries on the Establishment
of an International Criminal Court.

978 Pages
Price: $175.00
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